Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies


The transformation of the meaning of the rice farming and farming skill In transition of Mechanization and Producing regulation
—the valuation of farming skill by farmers farming small scale—


(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Cultural and Social Studies,
Department of Japanese History)

Key words;

Mechanization, the valuation of skill, time and labor, the meaning of the livelihood, social value

The purpose of this paper is to clarify actual condition of selection of rice farming skill in the transition when rice farming mechanized and the government changed agricultural policy through the discussion of the case study of Kuutyuutaue: throwing rice planting and hands rice planting those should be disappeared by the mechanization.

On 1971, the national rice producing regulation changed farmers’ meanig of rice production to delivery to the government to self-sufficiency. At the same time, farmers shifted mechanic farming. The office of popularization of agricultural skill popularized new skill which characterized of labor efficiency and productivity: Kuutyuutaue. This skill was popularize all over Japan then it was disappeared by the mechanization as this skill needs more labor of people than mechanic farming like hand rice farming. However it remains in Kawaguchi, Fujikawagutikomachi. There also remains hand rice planting because there is capacity of labor for rice planting and social value that gave priority on labor and time to treat rice paddies and to make delicious rice. In the transition of rice farming, the meaning of skill of Kuutyuutaue has transformed its valuation that can finish rice planting quickly if there is capacity of labor.  

The selection of rice farming skill in the transition was influenced by transformation of the meaning of the livelihood which was changed by producing regulation by agricultural policy and the system of the valuation of skill in local society that gives priority on time and labor, capacity of labor in rice planting season. This paper seized the valuation of skill by diachronic approach and indicated that the valuation of skill has changed the selection of skill.