Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies


The birth and makeup
on Kyougoku Ootono Gyoshû


(The Graduate University for advanced Studies,
School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Japanese Literature)

Key words:

Kyougoku Ootono Gyoshû, FUJIWARA no Morozane, Imperial princess Reishi, Settsu shû, Tsunenobu shû, Sannbokukika shû

Kyougoku Ootono Gyoshu, which was in the 70th volume of Reizei ke Shiguretei Sousho, is composed of 37 poems. This book has Okugaki in the year of Einin 5 (1297) and is one of the books called Shoukuubonn. This book is, therefore, considered the perfect collection of the poems by FUJIWARA no Morozane, which had been found only a few.

The time and date when the poems were composed are almost obvious by the historical facts. But some poems have Kotobagaki different from the historical facts and are not arranged in chronological order. The reason is that because there were relatively long time between the time the poems had been made and were arraged, the compiler didn't have the accurate information.

In addition, the last five poems(the 33rd to 37th) are much older than the 32nd poem. This is incoherent because the poems up to 32nd were very carefully arranged in chronological order. (Regrettably there are some questions.) That is because the last five poems were added after the collection had once been arranged.

Kyougoku Ootono Gyoshû has a lot of poems in Utakai and very few private poems. The poems, moreover, are compiled in Chokusenn shû and Shisenn shû. The poems made by other people at the same time as Morozane are compiled more in them. The reason must be that there a lot of different records about Utakai. The compiler must compile the collection picking up the Morozane's poems copied from the true records of Utakai and transcribed fragmentarily from other records of Utakai.

Kyougoku Ootono Gyoshû is a small collection, but offers several interesting questions about the culture of Insei period, when the collection was compiled.