ZHANG, Peihua (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Key words: Makura no Sōshi (The Pillow Book), Karakagami (Tang’s Mirror), Happy feeling, The section of the “Things that make your heart beat fast” of Makura no Sōshi (The Pillow Book) exists in the four versions of the Sankanbon, the Nōinbon, the Maedakebon and the Sakaibon. And it is known that another text exists which was corrected by Katō Bansai (1621–1674). I intend to study the interpretation of the “happy feeling” by Bansai in the Sei Shōnagon Makura no Sōshi Shō (May 1674) and the “pathetic feeling” by Kitamura Kigin (1625–1705) in the Makura no Sōshi Shun Sho Shō (July 1674) regarding “looking into a bit dark Tang’s mirror” which have not been clarified yet within the section. I endeavor to get to the bottom of “looking into a bit dark Tang’s mirror” in “Things that Make Your Heart Beat Fast”. I focus on expressions that differ between the text corrected by Bansai and the one corrected by Kigin, even though both of these texts were corrected according to similar versions of the text (the Nōinbon). I compare and inspect the differing expressions with other versions (the Sankanbon, the Maedakebon and the Sakaibon), highlighting the essence of “darkness” and “cloud”. Finally, I identify the causes and reasons for the interpretation of the “happy feeling” as “looking into darkness” by Bansai and the “pathetic feeling” as “cloud” by Kigin. According to the study of expressions about the mirror in Japanese and Chinese classical literature focusing on the “dark mirror” that follows the “happy feeling”, it is clear that the “Treasure Mirror” has a dark character only in the Gujingji in the Short Stories of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the fact that the “Tang’s mirror” in the “Things that make your heart beat” refers to the “Treasure Mirror” in the Gujingji accords the original meaning of the “happy feeling” and the “things that make your heart beat fast”. It is essential to consider the influence of Chinese classical literature, when reading difficult passages in the Makura no Sōshi (The Pillow Book). |