SOKENDAI Review of Cultural and Social Studies


vol.20 (2024)

Personalizing Environmental Issues:
A Metaverse Museum to Foster Changes
in Consciousness

—Cultivating Global Thinking and Sharing Earth’s Narrative


Global Environmental Studies,
Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI

Key words:

Global environmental issues, global thinking, metaverse museum, sustainability, AI technology, blockchain, multiculturalism, intercultural communication, arts, participant engagement

The progression of global environmental problems is accelerating, and the situation requires global perspectives and behavioral changes. Traditional approaches such as scientific research, legislation, and promoting education alone are considered to be insufficient. To address this issue, this study proposes a project using the Space Smart Museum (SSM), a new form of social design and metaverse museum. SSM is designed to allow participants think globally and have broad perspectives beyond regional and national boundaries.

Global thinking in this study means a way of global thinking without ignoring cultural differences and traditional knowledge and practices. It focuses not on the benefits enjoyed by developed countries or a few businesses, but on maintaining a perspective that encompasses the entire planet. The author believes that we can create projects that can promote global thinking by participants with SSM based on state-of-the-art technologies.

The SSM is an immersive VR museum that combines blockchain and VR technology and uses artificial intelligence (AI) to eliminate language barriers. Each of the participants from a diverse cultural background can experience his or her own cultural originality and identity through a virtual art gallery in the SSM. It is also a platform for participants to share each other’s cultures and sense of value, deepening empathy and promoting joint work. The SSM is also expected to reproduce the overview effect—the experience of looking down on the earth from outer space—which encourages participants to care for the entire planet.

The goal of the SSM is to use advanced technology to raise people’s awareness of how to think globally and to explore how this awareness can contribute to solving environmental problems. Every effort will be made to build a foundation for many people to view global environmental issues as something that concerns them. Strategies to enable people to share their sense of participation and expectations will also be implemented. Ultimately, the author will pursue the possibility that the recognition of the earth as our only habitat will lead to new actions and open new paths that contribute to a sustainable future.

This study aims to foster people’s global perspectives through the SSM and test new equitable social designs. The processes of system construction and operation and results can be expected to be useful contributions to a sustainable future. Ultimately, we will pursue the possibility that the recognition that “our only habitat is the earth” will lead to new action and open new paths that contribute to a sustainable future.