

近代日本の公と私,官と民 -比較の視点から-

猪木 武徳 (国際日本文化研究センター所長)


 本共同研究では、近代日本を主たる対象としながら、歴史的あるいは国際比較の視点から、「公」と「私」の問題を取り上げる。その際、理念としての公(共)と私と、現実の「官」と「民」を区別しつつ、歴史的側面(たとえば英米法と大陸法、あるいは西洋・東洋の公の哲学)、理論面(common goodの歴史、公的責任の制度論など)、現実の諸問題(プライバシーの概念と関連事件、メディアの役割とその活動への制限、公共経済的な政策など)など、参加者の専門分野に応じてさまざまの側面からのアプローチを試みたい。

People’s attitudes toward things "public" and "private" essentially characterize a nation’s political and social institutions. Democracy and the market economy tend to make people independent, atomistic and socially disconnected. Individuals enclose themselves in private "cells" and lose their strong interest in public affairs.
 This team’s research project focuses on the problems of "private" and "public" in modern Japan and compares them with the Western and other Asian examples. The issues concerning the concept of "public" in the philosophy of law, the "common good", protection of privacy, as well as the nature of public sectors in modern economies will be discussed.
 Researchers in the philosophy of law, economics, social and political thought, economic history, medieval Japanese history, legal history, media and related fields, are all collaborate to explore this important and common theme in modern societies.